Module Reference#

Module reference for discord.ext.paginator



class discord.ext.paginator.Paginator(view: Type[discord.ext.paginator.paginator.DefaultView], *, pages: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [], embeds: List[Union[discord.embeds.Embed, List[discord.embeds.Embed]]] = [], messages: List[str] = [], cyclical: bool = True, allow_fast_traverse: bool = False, current_page: int = 0, start_page: int = 0, timeout: Optional[int] = 180, author_only: bool = True, edit: bool = True)[source]#

Base class for defining paginators

  • view (Type[ModifiedView]) – View instance which handles editing messages, for built-in paginators such as ButtonsPaginator, this arg is invalid.

  • pages (List[Dict[str, Any]]) –

    An array of pages, i.e messages to send as page.


    This MUST be a dictionary

      # Page content is sent using kwargs
      # Where page = pages[page_index]
    + Context.send(**page)

  • embeds (List[Union[Embed, List[Embed]]]) – An array of embeds or a 2d array of embeds to send as pages, if pages are provided then these are appended to these values.

  • messages (List[str]) – An array of message contents to send as pages, if pages are provided this overwrite previous content

  • cyclical (bool) – Whether you can traverse from start to end and vise versa once limit reached, if not end/start page are continually returned

  • allow_fast_traverse (bool) – Whether to allow direct traversing from start to end and vise versa

  • current_page (int) – Index of page paginator starts on, uses zero indexing

  • start_page (int) – Index of starting page for paginator, to use this value instead of current page, set current page to an invalid value e.g. -1. This is also used when traversing to start directly.

  • timeout (int) – Timeout for paginator view, defaults to 180

  • author_only (bool) – Whether only the person who invoked the pagination is only allowed to respond

  • edit (bool) – Whether to edit existing view message or generate a new one.

async end() None[source]#

Ends pagination

async on_end()[source]#

An event called when pagination ends, directly before message is sent

async on_start()[source]#

An event called when pagination starts, directly before message is sent

async on_traverse_back()[source]#

An event called right before backward traversed page is returned

async on_traverse_end()[source]#

An event called right before moving to Paginator.max_page

async on_traverse_forward()[source]#

An event called right before forward traversed page is returned

async on_traverse_start()[source]#

An event called right before moving to Paginator.start_page

async on_traverse_to()[source]#

An event called before a page is traversed to using Paginator.traverse_to()

async start(ctx: Union[discord.ext.commands.context.Context, discord.interactions.Interaction], *, timeout: int = Ellipsis, call: Optional[Callable[[...], Any]] = None) None[source]#

Starts pagination

  • ctx (Context) – Context to pass to view

  • timeout (Optional[int]) – Default timeout

  • call (Callable[..., Any]) –

    Function to call rather then ctx.send()


    await Paginator.context_start(Context, call=Context.reply)

async traverse_back() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Moves backward, i.e previous page

async traverse_end() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Moves to the end, Paginator.max_page

async traverse_forward() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Moves forward, i.e. next page

async traverse_start() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Moves to the start, Paginator.start_page

async traverse_to(page: int) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Moves to a specific page


page (int) – Page to traverse to


class discord.ext.paginator.ButtonPaginator(*, traverse_start_button: discord.ui.button.Button = <Button style=<ButtonStyle.primary: 1> url=None disabled=False label=None emoji=<PartialEmoji animated=False name='⏪' id=None> row=1>, traverse_back_button: discord.ui.button.Button = <Button style=<ButtonStyle.primary: 1> url=None disabled=False label=None emoji=<PartialEmoji animated=False name='◀️' id=None> row=1>, traverse_stop_button: discord.ui.button.Button = <Button style=<ButtonStyle.primary: 1> url=None disabled=False label=None emoji=<PartialEmoji animated=False name='⏹️' id=None> row=1>, traverse_forward_button: discord.ui.button.Button = <Button style=<ButtonStyle.primary: 1> url=None disabled=False label=None emoji=<PartialEmoji animated=False name='▶️' id=None> row=1>, traverse_end_button: discord.ui.button.Button = <Button style=<ButtonStyle.primary: 1> url=None disabled=False label=None emoji=<PartialEmoji animated=False name='⏩' id=None> row=1>, extras: List[Union[List[discord.ui.item.Item], discord.ui.item.Item]] = [], **paginator_kwds)[source]#

Default implementation for button pagination


All parameters apart from view from Paginator are valid.

  • traverse_start_button (Button) – Custom start button, callback will be overwritten

  • traverse_back_button (Button) – Custom back button, callback will be overwritten

  • traverse_stop_button (Button) – Custom stop button, callback will be overwritten

  • traverse_forward_button (Button) – Custom forward button, callback will be overwritten

  • traverse_end_button (Button) – Custom end button, callback will be overwritten

  • extras (List[Union[List[Item], Item]]) – Extra components to add to paginator

async end() None#

Ends pagination

async on_end()#

An event called when pagination ends, directly before message is sent

async on_start()#

An event called when pagination starts, directly before message is sent

async on_traverse_back()#

An event called right before backward traversed page is returned

async on_traverse_end()#

An event called right before moving to Paginator.max_page

async on_traverse_forward()#

An event called right before forward traversed page is returned

async on_traverse_start()#

An event called right before moving to Paginator.start_page

async on_traverse_to()#

An event called before a page is traversed to using Paginator.traverse_to()

async start(ctx: Union[discord.ext.commands.context.Context, discord.interactions.Interaction], *, timeout: int = Ellipsis, call: Optional[Callable[[...], Any]] = None) None#

Starts pagination

  • ctx (Context) – Context to pass to view

  • timeout (Optional[int]) – Default timeout

  • call (Callable[..., Any]) –

    Function to call rather then ctx.send()


    await Paginator.context_start(Context, call=Context.reply)

async traverse_back() Dict[str, Any]#

Moves backward, i.e previous page

async traverse_end() Dict[str, Any]#

Moves to the end, Paginator.max_page

async traverse_forward() Dict[str, Any]#

Moves forward, i.e. next page

async traverse_start() Dict[str, Any]#

Moves to the start, Paginator.start_page

async traverse_to(page: int) Dict[str, Any]#

Moves to a specific page


page (int) – Page to traverse to



class discord.ext.paginator.PaginatorView(*, timeout: Optional[float] = 180.0)[source]#
add_item(item: Item[Any]) Self#

Adds an item to the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.


item (Item) – The item to add to the view.

  • TypeError – An Item was not passed.

  • ValueError – Maximum number of children has been exceeded (25) or the row the item is trying to be added to is full.

clear_items() Self#

Removes all items from the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

classmethod from_message(message: Message, /, *, timeout: Optional[float] = 180.0) View#

Converts a message’s components into a View.

The Message.components of a message are read-only and separate types from those in the discord.ui namespace. In order to modify and edit message components they must be converted into a View first.

  • message (discord.Message) – The message with components to convert into a view.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) – The timeout of the converted view.


The converted view. This always returns a View and not one of its subclasses.

Return type


async interaction_check(interaction: Interaction, /) bool#


A callback that is called when an interaction happens within the view that checks whether the view should process item callbacks for the interaction.

This is useful to override if, for example, you want to ensure that the interaction author is a given user.

The default implementation of this returns True.


If an exception occurs within the body then the check is considered a failure and on_error() is called.


interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that occurred.


Whether the view children’s callbacks should be called.

Return type


is_dispatching() bool#

bool: Whether the view has been added for dispatching purposes.

is_finished() bool#

bool: Whether the view has finished interacting.

is_persistent() bool#

bool: Whether the view is set up as persistent.

A persistent view has all their components with a set custom_id and a timeout set to None.

async on_error(interaction: Interaction, error: Exception, item: Item[Any], /) None#


A callback that is called when an item’s callback or interaction_check() fails with an error.

The default implementation logs to the library logger.

  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that led to the failure.

  • error (Exception) – The exception that was raised.

  • item (Item) – The item that failed the dispatch.

async on_timeout() None[source]#


A callback that is called when a view’s timeout elapses without being explicitly stopped.

remove_item(item: Item[Any]) Self#

Removes an item from the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.


item (Item) – The item to remove from the view.

stop() None#

Stops listening to interaction events from this view.

This operation cannot be undone.

async wait() bool#


Waits until the view has finished interacting.

A view is considered finished when stop() is called or it times out.


If True, then the view timed out. If False then the view finished normally.

Return type


property children: List[Item[Self]]#

The list of children attached to this view.



property timeout: Optional[float]#

The timeout in seconds from last interaction with the UI before no longer accepting input. If None then there is no timeout.




class discord.ext.paginator.DefaultView(ctx: discord.ext.commands.context.Context, paginator: discord.ext.paginator.paginator.Paginator, *, timeout: Optional[float] = 180)[source]#
add_item(item: Item[Any]) Self#

Adds an item to the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.


item (Item) – The item to add to the view.

  • TypeError – An Item was not passed.

  • ValueError – Maximum number of children has been exceeded (25) or the row the item is trying to be added to is full.

clear_items() Self#

Removes all items from the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

classmethod from_message(message: Message, /, *, timeout: Optional[float] = 180.0) View#

Converts a message’s components into a View.

The Message.components of a message are read-only and separate types from those in the discord.ui namespace. In order to modify and edit message components they must be converted into a View first.

  • message (discord.Message) – The message with components to convert into a view.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) – The timeout of the converted view.


The converted view. This always returns a View and not one of its subclasses.

Return type


async interaction_check(interaction: Interaction, /) bool#


A callback that is called when an interaction happens within the view that checks whether the view should process item callbacks for the interaction.

This is useful to override if, for example, you want to ensure that the interaction author is a given user.

The default implementation of this returns True.


If an exception occurs within the body then the check is considered a failure and on_error() is called.


interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that occurred.


Whether the view children’s callbacks should be called.

Return type


is_dispatching() bool#

bool: Whether the view has been added for dispatching purposes.

is_finished() bool#

bool: Whether the view has finished interacting.

is_persistent() bool#

bool: Whether the view is set up as persistent.

A persistent view has all their components with a set custom_id and a timeout set to None.

async on_error(interaction: Interaction, error: Exception, item: Item[Any], /) None#


A callback that is called when an item’s callback or interaction_check() fails with an error.

The default implementation logs to the library logger.

  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that led to the failure.

  • error (Exception) – The exception that was raised.

  • item (Item) – The item that failed the dispatch.

async on_timeout() None#


A callback that is called when a view’s timeout elapses without being explicitly stopped.

remove_item(item: Item[Any]) Self#

Removes an item from the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.


item (Item) – The item to remove from the view.

stop() None#

Stops listening to interaction events from this view.

This operation cannot be undone.

async wait() bool#


Waits until the view has finished interacting.

A view is considered finished when stop() is called or it times out.


If True, then the view timed out. If False then the view finished normally.

Return type


property children: List[Item[Self]]#

The list of children attached to this view.



property timeout: Optional[float]#

The timeout in seconds from last interaction with the UI before no longer accepting input. If None then there is no timeout.




class discord.ext.paginator.ButtonPaginatorView(ctx: discord.ext.commands.context.Context, paginator: discord.ext.paginator.button_pag.ButtonPaginator, *, timeout: Optional[float] = 180)[source]#
add_item(item: Item[Any]) Self#

Adds an item to the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.


item (Item) – The item to add to the view.

  • TypeError – An Item was not passed.

  • ValueError – Maximum number of children has been exceeded (25) or the row the item is trying to be added to is full.

clear_items() Self#

Removes all items from the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.

classmethod from_message(message: Message, /, *, timeout: Optional[float] = 180.0) View#

Converts a message’s components into a View.

The Message.components of a message are read-only and separate types from those in the discord.ui namespace. In order to modify and edit message components they must be converted into a View first.

  • message (discord.Message) – The message with components to convert into a view.

  • timeout (Optional[float]) – The timeout of the converted view.


The converted view. This always returns a View and not one of its subclasses.

Return type


async interaction_check(interaction: Interaction, /) bool#


A callback that is called when an interaction happens within the view that checks whether the view should process item callbacks for the interaction.

This is useful to override if, for example, you want to ensure that the interaction author is a given user.

The default implementation of this returns True.


If an exception occurs within the body then the check is considered a failure and on_error() is called.


interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that occurred.


Whether the view children’s callbacks should be called.

Return type


is_dispatching() bool#

bool: Whether the view has been added for dispatching purposes.

is_finished() bool#

bool: Whether the view has finished interacting.

is_persistent() bool#

bool: Whether the view is set up as persistent.

A persistent view has all their components with a set custom_id and a timeout set to None.

async on_error(interaction: Interaction, error: Exception, item: Item[Any], /) None#


A callback that is called when an item’s callback or interaction_check() fails with an error.

The default implementation logs to the library logger.

  • interaction (Interaction) – The interaction that led to the failure.

  • error (Exception) – The exception that was raised.

  • item (Item) – The item that failed the dispatch.

async on_timeout() None#


A callback that is called when a view’s timeout elapses without being explicitly stopped.

remove_item(item: Item[Any]) Self#

Removes an item from the view.

This function returns the class instance to allow for fluent-style chaining.


item (Item) – The item to remove from the view.

stop() None#

Stops listening to interaction events from this view.

This operation cannot be undone.

async wait() bool#


Waits until the view has finished interacting.

A view is considered finished when stop() is called or it times out.


If True, then the view timed out. If False then the view finished normally.

Return type


property children: List[Item[Self]]#

The list of children attached to this view.



property timeout: Optional[float]#

The timeout in seconds from last interaction with the UI before no longer accepting input. If None then there is no timeout.





class discord.ext.paginator.GenPlaceholder[source]#

Class used for generating placeholders dynamically between pages,


from discord.ext.paginator import GenPlaceholder

class MyPlaceholder(GenPlaceholder):
    def generate(self, paginator):
        return 'Menu Page {current_page} out of {max_page}'.format(
            current_page=paginator.current_page + 1,
            max_page=paginator.max_page + 1